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Creating a Pulse
Getting Started 🚀
Introduction to OnePulse
Creating your first Pulse
Question types
Pulse results
Tips and tricks
Creating a Pulse
Pulse Results
Subscription & Billing
Answering Pulses
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OnePulse Knowledge Base
Creating a Pulse
Getting Started 🚀
Introduction to OnePulse
Creating your first Pulse
Question types
Pulse results
Tips and tricks
Creating a Pulse
Pulse Results
Subscription & Billing
Answering Pulses
Creating a Pulse
How to use the Pulse editor to create content.
How do I retarget respondents?
Can I branch on Question 2 or Question 3?
How many branches can I include on Question 1?
How do push notifications work?
How do I get my photos to fit the Pulse tiles and not get chopped off?
Can I include a comment box for an “other” answer option?
How can I randomise/shuffle the answer options?
What are the different ways I can target a pulse?
What is the optimal video duration?
How can I cap the number of responses?
Can respondents respond with audio, emojis, or upload photos/ videos?
What format do video links have to be in?
Can a respondent see the Pulse title?
Is re-targeting available in international markets?
Is there a way to expand character count on questions/ answer options?
Can I make a “None of these” answer option exclusive on a multiple-choice question?
If I select multiple filters/ demographics, will they be added together with an AND logic, or an OR logic?
How many demographic filters can I add?
How can I schedule a Pulse to launch later?
How can I see what a Pulse looks like before launching it?
Can I re-run the same Pulse but exclude those who have already answered in my previous Pulse?
How can I ask follow up questions to the respondents of my previous Pulse?
Can I stop a Pulse once it has been published?
I want to publish my Pulse to a different country
Can I log out or navigate away when I have sent my Pulse survey?
Are the suggested quotas on OnePulse nationally representative, or just representative of the OnePulse community?
Can I Ask More Than 3 Questions?
Copy and paste questions and answers into the editor
How do I send a Pulse to people using a QR code or link?