Setting the language and tone for your pulse

Use inviting language for your Pulse and don't lead!

Warm language

Create a warm and welcoming feel to your Pulse by using a friendly and conversational tone. Personalize your questions with phrases like "you" and "in your opinion" to make respondents feel valued and heard. Including a "none of these" option, comments field and expressing gratitude at the end can further enhance respondent experience.

Avoid leading or loaded questions

Craft questions that steer clear of leading or loaded language to safeguard against bias in respondent answers. Keep your questions concise and focused, asking only one at a time to uphold clarity and neutrality.

Avoid leading or loaded titles

AI will provide an unbiased title, but if you choose to change it select a title that accurately reflects the content of your Pulse without leading respondents towards specific answers. Keep titles neutral to allow respondents to make their own choices and provide honest feedback.