How does the ranking score work?

Where answers are ranked, weights are applied in reverse. In other words, the respondent's most preferred choice (which they rank as #1) has the largest weight, and their least preferred choice (which they rank in the last position) has a weight of 1.

For example, if a Ranking question has 5 answer choices, weights are assigned as follows:

The #1 choice has a weight of 5
The #2 choice has a weight of 4
The #3 choice has a weight of 3
The #4 choice has a weight of 2
The #5 choice has a weight of 1

This will mean that the top choice will have the highest weighted average, the second-best choice will have the second-highest weighted average, and so on. The formula is:

x1w1 + x2w2 + x3w3 ... xnwn divided by Total Unique Respondents.